
Hello everyone ~

During the weekend, Bruce Jenner hosted a informative report on dyslexia on PBS. Unfortunately, dyslexia is not often seen as a disability; however, one out of ten Americans are impacted by the reading disorder. Jenner, being just one of the people impacted by the disorder.

This PBS special highlighted dyslexia and the many other issues impacting the education of young children today. According to the program, over 50% of all intercity schools read below their grade. As a result, this has led to a rise in dropouts during high school. In all, approximately 3000 children have been placed in special education classrooms- simply because they can't read. Many of them are later diagnosed with dyslexia.

Simply put, dyslexia can be defined as "difficulty with language. "Discovered by Orten over a century ago, it continues to be seen as a neurological disorder. In other words, language can be seen as a complex code; in order to decipher words, we must connect different combinations of letters to the sounds they make. In most cases, this is done automatically by the brain . For others, though, the process is more difficult.