Prunings XXVII

Michael Wesely

On blogs discovered recently or otherwise.

Aesthetic Grounds: on public art and public space.

art torrents points us to Christian Volckman's Renaissance, No-Stop City by Archizoom Associati, and these Gregor Schneider catalogues.

candyland, whose installments of touring the bush we always eagerly await.

Longitudinal Slum, according to J.B. Jackson, is “an intermittent eyesore of drive-ins, diners, souvenir stands, purulent amusement parks, cheap-jack restaurants, and the kind of cabins my companion describes as mailboxes.” Geoff DeOld and Emily Andersen, 2/3 of the much missed blog theboxtank, are our guides.

Perfect City discusses the future of cities. is “an online community of designers, architects and everybody else who is interested in inventive ways of recycling.”