
Please pardon the recent inactivity. Five weeks ago, my hard drive suffered a major crash, the sort of complete and systematic failure that instantly erases months, or years in some cases, of labor into the nothing-evermore. Gone. Sayonara. Or to impulsively hijack an oft quoted Gertrude Stein phrase: There is no there there.

Suffice to say that in between bouts of hysterical weeping and sudden, intense flashes of Frostian awareness, I've been trying to recover ever since. It wasn't a total disaster as I originally feared though, but unfortunately, all Pruned-related materials were lost. The blog now survives precariously in the servers of Blogger. Irregular posting will be the status quo around here as I try to refill my now severely diminished archives and recreate my notes and drafts to the nearly two months worth of future posts that were wiped clean during the meltdown. But hopefully, some semblance of regularity will return.