A Clockwork Orange

Introducing a new (irregular) sidebar feature, MILF: Landscape Architecture Film Series. In college I helped coordinate a film series with a different landscape theme each semester. Usually, whittling down the roster meant eliminating a lot of titles. MILF is my opportunity to resurrect those titles in an admittedly inconsequential format as it involves no viewing time and location. Simply take them as recommendations. Watch them anywhere and at anytime, in sequence, reversed or mixed, in part or in whole, in combination of future series or see one and no more ever again. You get the idea.

MILF:01 Figures in the Field
MILF:02 Spatializing the Marvelous: The Musicals of Busby Berkeley
MILF:03 Nanoscapes
MILF:04 The World
MILF:05 “The Best Things In Life Are Free”: Selections of Feature Films from the Internet Archive
MILF:06 Thick City