Are the Nashville Predators making the right decision with this jersey? That is the question that is swirling around Nashville at the moment as Preds fans react to the jersey change. This picture was leaked earlier today and seems to depict new uniforms to match the new logo that was released earlier in the week.
Personally I like the “leaked jersey”. The gold color on the “leaked jerseys” is clearly distinct from the mustard-yellow that appeared on the Predators former alternate sweater. Although it may take some time for the gold home jersey to grow on Preds fans, who have grown accustomed to the soothing blue home uni’s, the gold will stick and will become a permanent part of Nashville’s color scheme which has seen very little change in clubs history. In addition to the new color is the detail of a “Predator Scratch” through the numbers. Although a minor addition the “Scratch” is a fresh look that gives the back of the jersey a unique feel uncommon in most jerseys. While most teams leave insignia and organization themed art for the front of the jersey, the Predators have discovered an interesting way to incorporate the Predator on both sides of the jersey without it being overbearing and tacky.
Preds fans will loath the jerseys at first, but they are simply resisting a change from the classic blue that they have always known while at the same time fearing the resurgence of a gold-mustard color that was deemed one of the ugliest jerseys in league history. I am here to tell you that getting rid of the boring steel trim that was found on Nashville’s original uniform and replacing it with gold will be one of the best moves this organization has made. The new jerseys and color pattern are distinct, original, and here to stay.
Stay Gold,