You've Washed My Tears, Jesus

Today was a very sad and emotional day for every American. The terrorist massacre of 13 (14 when you count the unborn baby in one woman who was shot dead) soldiers still stuns me - as I'm sure it stuns most of our nation.

The memorial service was beautifully done; heart wrenching, heart breaking, and heart healing all at the same time. I tuned in shortly after Obama started his speech.

I teared up, and then started crying as the event progressed. I was standing in my kitchen, watching the ceremony on a small T.V. that sits in a cabinet above our microwave. By the time they did the roll call, I was openly and uncontrollably sobbing.

It reminded me of the pain and sadness I felt after the horror of 9/11/01. The initial stunned feeling of disbelief that day turned into grief. Then it turned into a crying spell which then led to uncontrollable sobbing. My friends and I attended a memorial service at a local church. Everyone was crying.

Today, in the late afternoon hours, I drove up to meet my daughter near her apartment. I needed to get some materials to her for her internship event coming up this Thursday. Her boyfriend joined us and we all had a nice dinner together. They were busy with work and school for most of the day, so I talked about the Fort Hood massacre and shared some of what had happened at the memorial service.

On the way home, I was listening to a Jeremy Camp CD. One special song seemed particularly fitting for the day. I wanted to listen to it over and over again. So I did.

It is called "When You Are Near."

..."This healing I have felt, no burden can replace.
Redemptive hope has been the story of my pain."

God bless all of those who mourn this day. May God heal your hearts through the knowledge and promises of His Son, Jesus Christ.

"When You Are Near" by Jeremy Camp

There's no need to say a thing,
When I'm before You in this silence
I feel refreshed with peace
Break this noise that binds the voice
That tries to speak open my eyes to see
Your gracious sovereign reach

It's hard to talk when I feel that You are near,
When all is quiet it's the beauty that I hear,
This hidden place where I know that You've calmed my fears
Yes I know that You've washed my tears

The seasons of change I've faced
Have never left me wounded
Only scars of hurt
Never deeply rooted
This healing I have felt
No burden can replace
Redemptive hope has been the story of my pain

All is lost without the breath of life You give
And You give so much
I want nothing more than You so here's my heart
here's my heart