Today's Must Read Posts [Update 2]

As always, my daily reading includes all of the new posts over at The Obama File. Take a look at the latest headlines:

1. Obama's New Afghan Strategy -- Surrender!

[Kristinn, at, says Obama is considering an almost complete surrender in Afghanistan, if the report this weekend by the BBC's Katty Kay is accurate. Troop casualties in Afghanistan have skyrocketed in the past three months, with over 1000 being wounded. 58 service members have been killed in the last month, making it the deadliest month of the eight-year long war.]

2. Commander In Least

What Obama's dithering is doing:

[Furthermore, Obama seems to be thwarting any forward momentum with regard to mission accomplishment by manifesting an attitude that troop welfare is paramount. He has also hastily portrayed an apologetic attitude for American strength. This destructive attitude breeds not only optimism in our enemies, but despair in those in uniform who are genuinely proud to serve the country they love.]

3. 3 Million Registered Voters Are Dead, 12 Million More Ineligible

Obama File quips:

[And 98% of them voted for Obama]

4. Obama's Concept Of "Safe" Schools

["It's outrageous that the same company that markets books that condition children to accept homosexuality also peddles instructions on how pedophiles can have sex with children without getting caught," said Lambda Report editor Peter LaBarbera.

There's more at link . . . if you can stand it . . .]

5. Guiliani Ousted For Michelle

[Just symptomatic of the Obama's general sense of entitlement.]

Yesterday's headlines:

1. The Price Of Those Seminars Sobering report from the Washington Post:

["More than 1,000 American troops have been wounded in battle over the past three months in Afghanistan, accounting for one-fourth of all those injured in combat since the U.S.-led invasion in 2001. The dramatic increase has filled military hospitals with more amputees and other seriously injured service members and comes as October marks the deadliest month for American troops in Afghanistan."]

2. Fewer Than Half Of Arkansans Think Obama Is Natural Born

[Looks like the "birthers" aren't so "fringe" afterall!]

3. Obama Surrounds Himself With The Most Extreme Appointees In American History

[Check out the rogue gallery - which has been brilliantly exposed by Glenn Beck!]

4. It's Been Quite A Year

[Yes, and quite the disasterous one at that!]


American Thinker explains the significance of Glenn Beck labeling as Fox's "rodeo clown."


It may look like fun and games to the people in the stands, but this is serious business, and not just any clown can do it. (Anonymous comment on rodeo clowns)

Much of what aggravates the Obama administration about FOX News is what Joe Biden would call a three-letter word: B-E-C-K.

Beck calls himself a "rodeo clown." That fits. A rodeo clown distracts the bull's attention to defend rodeo riders at risk. Beck believes the nation is at risk and he's out to distract the raging bulls, or the progressives in power.

Read the rest here.

Update At 12:00 noon PT:

Gateway Pundit: Sarah Palin Slams Biden After His Ridiculous Attack Today

The comments there ARE A RIOT!!!

The best:

Dick Nixon
November 2nd, 2009 | 1:33 pm | #9
Biden is a buffoon. He just got schooled by a private citizen with more executive experience than he or his boss have.

November 2nd, 2009 | 1:47 pm | #14
It’s good to see the campaign stop wwas just like Biden’s head, — half empty.

November 2nd, 2009 | 1:49 pm | #15
They are going after her wheelhouse? Idiots, she knows energy frontwards, backwards and upside down. Palin, baby, Palin!

November 2nd, 2009 | 1:54 pm | #16
It’s acutely apparent that the Democrats want to drive oil prices so high that the extremely large cost of ‘green energy’ becomes economically feasible no matter how negatively it affects our economy and national security.

Update at 2:48 pm PT:

Gateway Pundit: Missouri Patriot Makes Stand On I-44 With Bold Billboard