Glenn On Cover of Playboy Magazine!

That announcement has to be one of the funniest surprises that I have read in a long time!

From email I received:

It's true, Glenn is actually on the cover of Playboy magazine. Mercifully it's just his name and the article about him - not his naked body. The article (which is what people subscribe to Playboy for, the articles) itself is actually pretty pathetic. It's one of the worst hit pieces on Glenn yet, filled with falsehoods and blatant errors. Glenn reacts to the article in the magazine that, despite having naked women in it, is still losing subscribers.

Read the transcript from his radio show.

Fans of Glenn's T.V. show know how when he tries to act sexy he claims that he "has just made someone throw up in their mouth." Heh heh...such self-deprecating humor is actually quite entertaining.

But these people who are trying to smear Glenn in any way, shape, or form is not funny. I think that they are silly little children and phony "journalists" who can't stand the truth that Glenn is exposing on his show. If Glenn was just a "clown" and not worth listening to (like Keith Olberdummy and that spit-master with bad breath and a thrill running up his leg - Chris Matthews); then they wouldn't be trying SO HARD to to attack and smear him!

It's the same story with Sarah Palin! The far left lunatics hate her and will do anything to smear her as well.

I think that Michael Savage is correct. These goons in Washington are "Red Diaper Doper Babies" from the 60's who always thought communism was "cool." And they have many of the uneducated teens - college aged kids so indoctrinated with their ugly and sleezy propaganda that they are foolishly following them into political, social, emotional, and spiritual oblivion.

But there is still time to turn the the tide. The 2010 election will turn away the red tide of brain washed mind-dirtying - which these Marxist, Socialist, Communist, Maoist-loving creeps have wrecked upon our youth.