WHY vs WHY Gay Marriage

The day that my husband and I went to our daughter's high school (back in 2003) to express our concern over a gay/straight club that was forming at the school, we knew that the homosexual legal agenda would only get worse and worse. We were absolutely correct!

Read and weep - dear Christian parents - about what is being taught to children as young as 6 years old in public schools in California.

Within the next few days, I am going to share my thoughts and opinions about an excellent resource where parents can come right out (pardon the pun) and combat the intense homosexual indoctrination that is going on in public schools.

Your teen aged children (especially here in California) have probably already been so indoctrinated to think that homosexuality is "normal," "natural," and not sinful. The Bible tells us otherwise and our churches are trying to combat the onslaught with the truth about such abhorrent behavior.  However, it also helps (IMHO) to encourage children to read and study BOTH sides of the issue so that they can feel empowered to make up their own minds on the issue.  Some may not budge because they are too indoctrinated, but many may change there minds when they read the facts from those on the pro- one man, one woman marriage issue that are NOT being taught in the public schools.

The resource that I am referring to is a book written by Christian Internet author and blog writer Bill Muehlenberg and his secular co-author and gay activist, Rodney Croome.  It is called Why vs. Why Gay Marriage and presents both arguments regarding the gay marriage issue.  Bill's blog is called Culture Watch. At that site, Bill has years worth of excellent information that anyone can utilize in the ongoing battle between good and evil. His essays are chock full of important evaluations on many subjects regarding Christian faith and values vs. secular humanism and depravity. I highly recommend his blog and the book Why vs. Why Gay Marriage. If your child has been indoctrinated by the radical homosexual agenda, reading that book will give him/her the REAL story behind how, and why, he/she has been duped into believing man's "wisdom" that such behavior is "good." He/she may even discover that the timeless wisdom of God Almighty trumps man's thoughts EVERY TIME.

What is interesting is that the co-author, Rodney Croome (pro gay marriage) brings up "religion" in his argument and Bill just blows that argument right out of the water with his excellent rebuttal!

You can get a copy of the book at Amazon.com.

The following is a copy of an email that I received from Randy Thomasson, President of SaveCalifornia.com. Please take the time to read it all and visit the links within the text. If you are not appalled by learning about al the seven radical homosexual indoctrination bills that have been passed by the Democratic-led state legislature here in California, then you must have been brain-dirtied by all of the propaganda that the activists are spewing that goes entirely against what God's Holy Word in the Bible teaches against the BEHAVIOR of homosexual acts - which God's Word specifically says are to be avoided.

Next, get a copy of Why vs. Why Gay Marriage to arm yourself with the powerful and POSITIVE arguments that Bill Muehlenberg has shared in that book to counter co-author Rodney Croome's indoctrination arguments.

In Christ's Service,


Randy's email:


California Senate mandates homosexual role models for schoolchildren
Thomasson: "Parents don't want and children don't need 'LGBTIQ' role models"
Sacramento, California – With today's passage by the Democrat-controlled California State Senate of "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans" as mandatory role models for children as young as kindergarten, SaveCalifornia.com, a leading West Coast pro-family, pro-child organization is calling upon California parents to permanently remove their children from the government school system.

Today, the California Senate, on a 23 to 14 vote -- Democrats for, Republicans against -- approved what would be the 7th school sexual indoctrination law teaching children to view homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality as a good and natural lifestyle option. The vote comes the day before the disruptive "Day of Silence" in public schools, sponsored by the "Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network," which SaveCalifornia.com is urging parents to counter-protest by keeping their kids home this Friday.

SB 48 would mandate that history and social studies textbooks and instructional materials teach children to admire "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans" as role models. The proponents of the bill seem to have forgotten there are already six statewide school sexual indoctrination laws affirming homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality.

"This clear and present danger should motivate fathers and mothers to rescue their children from California government schools and take them to the safe havens of solid church schools and homeschooling," said Randy Thomasson, president of SaveCalifornia.com. "Parents don't want and children don't need 'LGBTIQ' role models in school, SB 48 is sexual brainwashing in the extreme. It's damaging and nonacademic to teach children a lie -- that homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality are natural and healthy lifestyles, when they’re not."

(Sources: NARTH: "Is There A 'Gay Gene?'"; American College of Pediatricians: "Health Risks of the Homosexual Lifestyle")

"SB 48 micromanages public schools by forcing teachers, administrators, local school boards, textbooks, and instructional materials to promote a gaggle of sexual lifestyles that disturb parents and confuse kids," Thomasson said. "This state mandate targets children for sexual brainwashing, behind the backs of parents, teaching boys and girls to admire those who engage in unnatural and unhealthy homosexual, bisexual, and transsexual behavior."

If SB 48 becomes law:

1. Textbooks and instructional materials must positively promote "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans" as "role" models.

2. Children as young as 6 years old will be taught to admire homosexuality, same-sex "marriages," bisexuality, and transsexuality (sex-change operations).

3. Children will be taught to support the political activism of "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Questioning" (LGBTIQ) political groups, as the bill requires "particular emphasis on portraying the role of these groups in contemporary society."

4. Teachers will be made to positively portray homosexuality, same-sex "marriages," bisexuality, and transsexuality (sex-changes operations), because to be silent can bring the charge of "reflecting adversely."

5. School boards will be required to select textbooks and other instructional materials that positively portray sex-change operations, same-sex "marriages," and more, because to be silent on these subjects opens them up to charges of "reflecting adversely."

6. Parents will not be notified, nor will they be able to exempt their children, from this new core curriculum.

"California government schools are no longer morally safe for impressionable children," Thomasson said. "Because of the raft of sexual indoctrination laws already in force, which promote homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality under the guise of 'discrimination' and 'harassment,' the social engineers are already having their way with more than six million boys and girls, with or without SB 48. That's why we strongly urge loving parents to rescue their children by permanently removing them from government schools and placing them in the safe havens of church schools or homeschooling." (Source: RescueYourChild.com)

"We call on Governor Jerry Brown to have compassion, to respect parents, and to remember when public schools used to be good and didn't push sexual indoctrination," Thomasson said. "Now public schools aren't so good, yet homosexual activists are pushing their non-academic agenda without regard to parents or logic or the best interests of children. Governor Brown should prepare to veto this bad bill, which greatly disturbs parents, confuses kids, and flushes public schools farther down the toilet."

-- end --
Randy Thomasson, President
P.O. Box 511, Sacramento, CA 95812
(916) 265-5650

SaveCalifornia.com is a leading West Coast nonprofit, nonpartisan organization standing strong for moral virtues for the common good. We represent children and families in the areas of marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, financial freedom, and back-to-basics education.

Hat tips to all links.
Special thanks to Bill Muehlenberg for telling me about his excellent book, Why vs. Why Gay Marriage.