Tupac Shakur's FBI File Released

Last week, Notorious B.I.G.’s FBI files were released, followed by Tupac’s this week. The files alleged links to organised crime allegations as well as a Jewish Defence League (JDL) organisation (no longer open).

The document allegedly show evidence of deceased West Coat rappers Eazy-E and 2Pac attempting to extort money from the Jewish Defence League. There is no indication in the document that the JDL are involved in Tupac’s death. Many key names have been omitted, including the source of these allegations, but both Tupac and Eazy-E’s names have been left uncensored.

“On September 11, 1996 [omitted] reported that JDL, and others yet unidentified have been extorting money from various rap music stars via death threats,” the report states.

“The scheme involves [omitted] and other subjects making telephonic death threats to the rap star. Subjects then intercede by contacting the victim and offering protection for a ‘fee’. Source reported that Eric Wright, also known as Eazy-E, who owned Ruthless Records, Woodland Hills, California, was a victim of this extortion scheme prior to dying from AIDS. [Omitted] had also reportedly targeted Tupa Shakur prior to his recent murder in Las Vegas, Nevada.”

The FBI report shows that the preliminary enquiry was initiated in October of 1996, but was then closed in May of 1999 as no evidence was found. The report also contains many newspaper and magazine articles of the star.

To read FBI's full report, click HERE