Who Will Be Blamed For Gov. Shut Down?

If the Democrats think that the Republicans might be blamed for the possible shut down of the government, they need their heads examined! I do not even think that the media of mass deception will be able to spin this one. Take a look at the poll results (so far, as of 7:13 a.m. PT) over at Fox News:

America's Newsroom Poll
In case of a government shutdown – who’s to blame?




America's Newsroom Poll
Thank you for voting!
RESULTS SO FAR  (as of 7:13 a.m. PT):

Republicans                          1.16%

Democrats     93.8%

Both                                     4.86%

Neither                                 0.18%

Go vote! Fox News.com

Poll Update @ 10:11 a.m. PT:

America's Newsroom Poll
In case of a government shutdown – who’s to blame?

0.86%   (30 votes)

93.19% (3,256 votes)

5.84%   (204 votes)

0.11%   (4 votes)


Just in case you need more proof of the conniving spin that Democrats in the Senate want to place on the current budget battle, read this email that I received yesterday:

Hat Tip:

MRC Action
From the Desk of:
David Martin, Executive Vice President
Media Research Center



Last week, microphones caught left-wing Sen. Chuck Schumer giving marching orders to other Senators on how to best attack fiscal conservatives.

Laying the groundwork to blame Conservatives for any impasse in the ongoing budget fight, Schumer said it was important to describe as "extremist" any proposed budget cuts and the fiscal conservatives pushing them.

Schumer's underhanded tactics and bravado about defying the will of the voters are due in large part to his knowledge that the Obama-aligned media will protect him and his tax-and-spend liberal cronies.

Any doubt about the slavish relationship that the media have with Washington, DC leftists can be put to rest, as all three networks chose to ignore this major gaffe by a leading DC liberal.

Media Research Center Founder Brent Bozell discussed this during his appearance on Friday's "Fox & Friends". Click to watch the segment and to take action to break the "unholy" alliance that exists between President Obama and the liberal media.

+ + Budget Showdown Demands Your Attention!

Christine, Schumer's unwitting comments exposed the liberals' budget strategy. This isn't about deficits or the burdens that they place on our children and grandchildren. This is about power. Chuck Schumer and his friends in the liberal media would rather turn our country into an economic basketcase than allow conservatives to successfully cut spending.

Liberals like Schumer know the media are on their side. They know that even when opposing baby steps towards fiscal sanity, their hatchet-men in the liberal media will defend them while rushing to blame Tea Party Conservatives for their "extremism."

As liberty-loving Americans, we must be aware of what is taking place between the media and liberals in Congress and respond with solidarity and strength!

That's why the MRC has marshaled its bias-fighting resources to expose, neutralize and break the Obama-media alliance. But, we need to quickly build a coalition of citizen activists who are willing to work with us to break this radical leftist scheme!

Go here now to watch Brent's Fox News interview and to take action with the MRC by adding your name to our important petition demanding the media end their unhealthy and dangerous partnership with Obama and his leftist cohorts.

David Martin