Prunings LXIII

Noah Vaughn

1)Upper Toronto is a science fiction design proposal to build a new city in the sky. The CN restaurant might be ground level, or imagine a city sitting on top of the Bay Street towers. When Upper Toronto is finished, all residents of will be relocated upwards and Lower Toronto will transformed into some combination of intentional ruin, national park, and farmland.”

2) Mammoth went on a scopic drive tracing the trucking corridors, pipelines and terminal endpoints of Alberta's oil sands.

3) Free Association Design also went on a scopic drive, this time in search of marsh-stabilizing geometries along the coast of Louisiana.

4) The Office Experiments has mapped out the nodal points of southern England's vast techno-scientific and military-industrial complex.

5) There was an International Conference on Global Land Grabbing. Land grabbing refers to the global rush in recent years to buy or lease farmlands abroad as a strategy to secure basic food supplies or simply for profit. The buyers, usually large multi-national agribusiness concerns, have been criticized for gobbling up prime arable lands in countries with food security problems of their own and with weak governance to control environmental and labor abuses.