Iron Dome Successfully Intercepts Gaza Rockets for First Time

Just heard on Fox News that Israel launched (for the first time) a 200 million dollar weapon to defeat a Gaza attack on that nation. Will add information and links here as I find it.

Via Drudge, I found this article about it: Iron Dome successfully intercepts Gaza rockets for first time


Missile defense system intercepts two rockets fired at Ashkelon as three rockets from Gaza land in open area in Negev; IDF launches strike on targets in Gaza following attack on school bus earlier in the day.

The Iron Dome missile defense system on Thursday successfully intercepted for the first time two rockets that were fired at the Israeli city of Ashkelon from the Gaza Strip.

According to reports from the area, the interception could be seen in Israeli towns near northern Gaza. The second Iron Dome battery was positioned in the area of Ashkelon over the weekend, in addition to a battery already placed north of Be'er Sheva.

Thank God for the knowledge to enable Israel to develop this much needed missile defense system! Israel is the apple of God's eye and her protection is evident in this latest development of technology that will thwart all of the Arab and Muslim nations that are hell-bent on destroying Her.