Duh, Winning? Sheen Gets Cold Reception in Detroit!! (Blog)

DETROIT — Charlie Sheen and his "goddesses" took the stage to thunderous applause Saturday night for the first leg of his "Torpedo of Truth" tour. The 70-minute show hadn't even ended when the first reviews were in, and they were brutal.
The former "Two and a Half Men" star showed that comedic success on the screen doesn't necessarily translate to the stage, and the capacity crowd at the 5,100-seat Fox Theatre rebelled before he left the stage, chanting "refund!" and walking out in droves.

Linda Fugate, 47, of the Detroit suburb of Lincoln Park, walked outside and up the block yelling, "I want my money back!"

She said she paid $150 for two seats.

"I was hoping for something. I didn't think it would be this bad."

Fans who gathered outside the theater before the doors opened Saturday — some who had to fly in for the show — said they were hoping to see the increasingly eccentric actor deliver some of the colorful rants that have made him an Internet star since his ugly falling out with CBS and the producers of "Two and a Half Men."

They got the ranting. It just wasn't funny.

"I expected him to at least entertain a little bit. It was just a bunch of ranting," said Rodney Gagnon, 34, of Windsor, Ontario.

Promising to give fans "the real story," the 45-year-old Sheen kicked off a month-long, 20-city tour Saturday night, with the second show scheduled for Sunday in Chicago.
The show started well for Sheen, as the crowd stood and cheered as he and the women he calls his "goddesses" took the stage. The women, one a former porn star and the other an actress, carried signs with the words "War" and "Lock," references to one of the catchphrases Sheen recently coined.

"I don't see a single empty seat," he said.
After one audience member booed, Sheen sanguinely replied, "I've already got your money, dude."

He tried on a bowling shirt like one his TV character Charlie Harper would wear, then took it off and had his goddesses burn it. He then donned a Detroit Tigers No. 99 jersey, a reference to his role in the film "Major League."

He told everyone he wanted them to enjoy "a night of winning." Winning, in fact, was one of many of Sheen's catchphrases to be displayed in a video montage. Others: "Violent hatred" and "Adonis DNA."

USA Today was live-tweeting the event, producing a string of messages that portrayed a crowd that was increasingly restless and angry.

The twitter feed from USATODAYLifelineLive had Sheen sitting on someone’s lap in the audience, playing catch with someone on stage.

In one five-minute segment the twitterer offered these entries:
“Sheen: ‘I’m having a great time!’”
“Charlie Sheen is sitting on stage tweeting. Guy behind me just yelled, ‘I want my money back!’

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