Do you sometimes feel this way?

Scene taken from the film Pink Panther 1
 Or if you already speak a nice English have you ever felt like inspector Clouseau on the scene above?

Yeah, sometimes learning English  is not an easy task. Everybody has a moment that the tongue doesn’t obey, either the tongue simply refuses to stay between the teeth or you stress on the wrong vowel like the infamous “develÓp” hehehehe... And to make things worse, the teacher starts saying “put your hand palm on your throat”, “feel your tongue”, “be careful! you can’t open your mouth as you open on /T/ just stay with your mouth closed and blow”. What??? You must think “she’s crazy”, I would say “maybe”. But one thing is sure “I don’t give up like inspector Clouseau’s teacher gave up”. I love what I do! More than that, it’s an enormous joy when I see a person who had difficulty speaking English speak fluently. And I’ve seen many of you doing it!

Now, let’s understand the scene context . It’s not the case that inspector Clouseau can’t speak English. He already speaks it. At the beginning of the scene he’s speaking English and he also speaks in English with the teacher. He just wants “to speak a flawless accent...  so as not to arouse suspicion” as himself said on the scene. That’s why he asks for “an accent coach”.
Imagine that a so discreet French accent would arouse some suspicion!!! You must watch the film to see if he can change his accent.  The film in English of course, after all you observing the accent!

flaw (noun) /flɔː/a mistake or fault in something that makes it useless or less effective
flawless /ˈflɔləs/(adj) without any mistakes, marks, or bad features
accent coach: it is a professional who helps to reduce accent. On the scene the accent coach is trying to reduce inspector Clouseau’s French accent.

 Although sometimes the learning process can be a little difficult we can make it fun and pleasant. Did you like the song at the  scene end ? Why don’t you learn to sing it?
Here we go.

GOT TO BE REAL Performed By Cheryl Lynn – 1978

"Got to Be Real" is a song by Cheryl Lynn released in 1978 and still makes success. The song is currently being used for the UK TV Advertising Campaign for 'Marks & Spencer'.

Post a comment about what you think difficult on learning English or a funny experience you’ve had. Anything you want. Remember this space is for us to change ideas and experiences. 

by Vivian Barone