Ca$h Money Time

The Greatest credit card in existence: Fidelity American Express. No annual fee and you get 2% of the amount of your purchases deposited in the form of Ca$h Money into your Fidelity account.

The only reasons I can see to NOT get a Fidelity Amex are:
(1) You’re too lazy;
(2) Your main credit card concern is interest rate, because you carry a balance;
(3) You think I’m lying or I’m wrong;
(4) You think your current card gives you a better deal on rewards; or
(5) You aren’t interested in free money and/or you prefer a lower rewards yield from your credit card.

Unless one or more of the above apply, you should get a Fidelity Amex and make it rain with free cash money. You’re welcome.

Oh, and if you get a better rewards deal from another credit card, please let me know. Luridtransom loves value.