If you were like me last night and decided that sleep was far more important than watching darkness cover the full moon, then you're in luck. There is a time lapse lunar eclipse video. With music!

The chaos and madness were sort of welcome, an ushering in the new and sweeping out the old. I dug it. Here is a video:
As Starhawk said in yesterday's Washington Post:
For Pagans, darkness is the necessary balance to light. We don't conceive of the dark as evil, but as a place of potential, of gestation -- the black, fertile soil where the seed puts forth roots and shoots, the dark womb where new life is nurtured. But being humans, we also have a natural affinity for the light, the time of growth and new beginnings, of warmth and color and bright new hopes. Solstice reminds us that no darkness, no loss, no grief or disappointment is final. Out of darkness, light is born. Every ending gives rise to a new beginning. Out of disappointment and despair comes new courage, new hope.
I felt that in the air yesterday and I hope you all did, too. If not, watch the video and maybe it will help inspire that feeling of awe and letting go of old hurts and letting a new you shine.
Did you watch the eclipse?