Talk about keeping it real, on this season of VH1's "Basketball Wives," new cast member Tami Roman reveals what happens when the romance goes sour and you don't come out on the winning end of the pre-nup. Get the deets on how and why Tami had to go on food stamps inside...

When reality tv star Tami Roman learned her baller (now ex) husband Kenny Anderson was cheating, she put her independence first....and left him. The problem is, she left him even though their prenuptial agreement left her without a dime. Tami tells PopEater that she was forced to use food stamps to care for their two daughters.

Not saying she should have stayed in a bad situation, but on this season we will see Tami and Kenny attempting to repair their relationship with their daughters. And I'm sure measures could have been taken to force him to take care of his own chil'ren. Telling her side of the story, Tami says her biggest regret after the divorce was not putting her children first. She says:

"If you just put Kenny and I in a room, with no mediator, there's no telling what would happen. It hasn't always been an amicable situation. We haven't been proper parents in how we deal with each other, and that has taken a negative effect on his relationship with my daughters."

And she said Kenny hadn't seen the girls in a decade.

"There are so many children who are going through these difficult divorces, and their parents forget about them, which is what Kenny and I did. We acknowledge that this season and try to rebuild."

Now....that's reality. I wonder if she ever tried to get child support, or did he offer it and she refuse? Will be interesting to see...

The second season on "Basketball Wives," debuts Dec. 12 at 8PM ET on VH1. Watch the preview HERE
