Is Your Soul a Watered Garden?

Despite the fact that the world seems to be turned upside down lately, Christians can still find peace and contentment. Even though the political climate here in America is daunting - maybe even terrifying - we know Who holds the future in His mighty hands. When people lose their money, their comfort, their morality, their loved ones, and have a new found fear about what is happening to our freedoms here in America, we can still have the joy of the Lord sustain us.

Loved this part in the devotional:

Oh, to have one's soul under heavenly cultivation; no longer a wilderness but a garden of the Lord! Enclosed from the waste, walled around by grace, planted by instruction, visited by love, weeded by heavenly discipline, and guarded by divine power, one's favored soul is prepared to yield fruit unto the Lord.

How do we "yield fruit unto the Lord?" We share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Recently, I gave the book "Traveling Light" by Max Lucado to one of my daughter's friends. I am praying that it will help her drop some of the "luggage of life" that can weigh a person down - even a young life like hers. I am praying that a seed for faith in Jesus Christ will be planted in her life - for she was not brought up in a Christian home (as far as I know).

Each person that I have given that book to has come back and told me how much it has helped them! Many have started reading the Bible as a result of reading that book! Praise God!

God's Word is the ultimate in wisdom. No where else can a person find the TRUTH. The Bible (and prayer!) are methods we can use to both "water" our own soul and bring souls to the place of being a "watered garden."

The above paragraphs were some of my thoughts this morning as I read the following C.H. Spurgeon devotional:

Faith's Checkbook by C.H. Spurgeon
Saturday August 29, 2009

Plentiful Refreshment

Their soul shall be as a watered garden. (Jeremiah 31:12)

Oh, to have one's soul under heavenly cultivation; no longer a wilderness but a garden of the Lord! Enclosed from the waste, walled around by grace, planted by instruction, visited by love, weeded by heavenly discipline, and guarded by divine power, one's favored soul is prepared to yield fruit unto the Lord.

But a garden may become parched for want of water, and then all its herbs decline and are ready to die. O my soul, how soon would this be the case were the Lord to leave thee! In the East, a garden without water soon ceases to be a garden at all: nothing can come to perfection, grow, or even live. When irrigation is kept up, the result is charming. Oh, to have one's soul watered by the Holy Spirit uniformly--every part of the garden having its own stream; plentifully--a sufficient refreshment coming to every tree and herb, however thirsty by nature it may be; continually--each hour bringing not only its heat, but its refreshment; wisely--each plant receiving just what it needs. In a garden you can see by the verdure where the water flows, and you can soon perceive when the Spirit of God comes.

O Lord, water me this day and cause me to yield Thee a full reward for Jesus' sake. Amen.