Or does anyone else see that the forged COLB seal in the photo above kinda looks like a picture of Satan in the middle? Nah....on second thought it looks more like a dopey looking DONKEY! Still, I can't shake the feeling that I have seen that same exact look in a cartoon character...or something.
Creepy though...huh?
What's even worse is to realize that some members of Congress have been duped into believing and trusting that Snopes has settled the matter and that the factcheck.org faked COLB is the real thing.
Other senators have decided to trample upon our U.S. Constitution and leave the matter up to the clueless voters who put this ineligible, inexperienced, neo-Marxist fraud into office.
This concerns me because Leo Donofrio has stated on his latest blog post that SCOTUS Has No Original Jurisdiction To Issue A Writ of Quo Warranto re Obama; Legal presumption in favor of natural born citizen clause and effect.
Seeing that faked Hawaiian COLB and reading Leo's post that tells us Congress must be convinced to remove Obama from office shows what an uphill battle this will surely be.
Hat tips:
Photo credit: Philip: Just Another Natural Born Citizen
Natural Born Citizen blog
Then again, there's this:
3 cheers for Orly Taitz
Urgent Plea from Dr. Orly Taitz regarding Obama’s Illegal Activities
SITREP Obama Eligibility, March 15, 2009: How To Get Rid Of Him
Obama: the only US president to be sued (part I)
Where Is The Proof Obama Was Born In Hawaii?
Hat tip for list:
The Right Side of Life: Monday's Headlines