Would you leave the office at a decent hour if you knew that long hours at your desk could — quite literally — be killing you?
Well, get ready to shut that laptop down. Six separate studies over the past two years have given us definitive proof that stress from overwork can indeed kill.
First, studies in Denmark and England followed completely different groups of workers — with the only common denominator being a high stress factor — and came up with similar results.
In England, British civil servants who worked more than ten hours a day were found to be 60 percent more likely to develop heart disease or have a heart attack than people who clock just seven hours a day. Those who put in three hours of overtime had higher rates of myocardial infarction (MI), angina, and death from a coronary attack.
Meanwhile, a team following female nurses in Denmark discovered that those who rated themselves as feeling “too much” pressure at work had a significantly higher risk of developing angina or myocardial infarction (MI).
The real shocker: The people who worked longer hours were actually healthier, overall, than the other people studied. They were less likely to drink heavily or smoke, and they got more exercise. Nevertheless, they still died or suffered heart attacks at higher rates, leading the researchers to point out that stress appears to override everything else.
The American Heart Association followed up with a warning this Spring that stress on the job raises the chances of heart attack for any employee. Men have heart attacks in greater numbers, says the AHA, but women are more likely to die from a heart attack.
Add to this another Danish study that found that “bad bosses” directly contributed to death from heart attack and coronary artery disease, and it’s clear: Your workplace could be killing you.
Then again, it’s not just work stress either: early this year the journalCardiology published a study showing that heart attack deaths in in men and women surge just after a home town Super Bowl loss.
And ongoing research at the University of California San Francisco has found that chronic stress simply accelerates aging. Stress chews away at our DNA, shortening the age-governing telomeres and telling cells to age faster.
Here’s the kicker: If you have additional sources of stress in your life, such as financial worries, a health problem, or the “sandwich generation” pressure of caring for kids, aging parents, or both, watch out. Numerous studies have shown that when we have additional stressors in our lives, they multiply work stress exponentially.
Why are stress and overwork so deadly?
The answers are both simple and complex. Both the British and Danish researchers concluded that those whose days were limited almost exclusively to work sacrificed the personal time that they would otherwise have used to exercise, eat well, relax with friends, or even take a deep breath. And when you’re overworked you’re unlikely to put your feet up, watch a silly movie, hit the gym, or do something else that makes you feel relaxed and calm. Yet it’s exactly these relaxing stress-busters that are the most effective tools for protecting your heart.
The genetic research into the DNA effects of aging is more complex, yet arrives at the same end conclusion. In the UCSF lab, it’s been found that chronic stress reduces the availability of the telomerase enzyme, decreasing the telomere’s natural restorative effect on cell renewal.
So turn off that computer, walk away from that desk — and no, don’t bring that laptop home. Stil torn? Think of how much more valuable you’ll be at work if you don’t have a heart attack.