The Lok Sabha was all set to debate three versions of the Lokpal Bill, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal said the debate on the Jan Lokpal Bill is unlikely to take place today.
"I can't say anything, in today's schedule, nothing is mentioned. So, it'll be decided after the discussion. So, I can't say anything right now," Bansal told.
When asked about the last discussion that took place to end the impasse over the Lokpal Bill, Bansal said: "I was not part of that discussion, so I can't say anything."
Meanwhile, the Congress Party and the government has expressed concern that social activist Anna Hazare may not call off his fast even after the three versions of the Lokpal Bill are tabled.
Sources in the party and the government have reportedly revealed that they want an assurance from Team Anna that he will end his fast once the Bills are tabled.
On Thursday, Hazare placed three conditions before the government, which is inclusion of lower bureaucracy in the Lokpal bill, appointment of Lokayuktas in all states, and implementation of citizen's charter in government offices.
"If there is agreement on all these three issues then I can consider ending my fast, but not protest," he said.
"The fight against corruption must continue even after I die. The Prime Minister has appreciated our movement in the Parliament. I thank the parliamentarians, who appreciated the movement," said Hazare.
"The government sent one of its ministers to me. Prime Minister says he is worried about my health. Why did he take 10 days to think? Discussion should start on Lokpal from tomorrow in Parliament. Lokayukta must be brought under Lokpal. The lower bureaucracy must be brought under the ambits of Lokpal and the citizen's charter must be formed," he added.
"I can't say anything, in today's schedule, nothing is mentioned. So, it'll be decided after the discussion. So, I can't say anything right now," Bansal told.
When asked about the last discussion that took place to end the impasse over the Lokpal Bill, Bansal said: "I was not part of that discussion, so I can't say anything."
Meanwhile, the Congress Party and the government has expressed concern that social activist Anna Hazare may not call off his fast even after the three versions of the Lokpal Bill are tabled.
Sources in the party and the government have reportedly revealed that they want an assurance from Team Anna that he will end his fast once the Bills are tabled.
On Thursday, Hazare placed three conditions before the government, which is inclusion of lower bureaucracy in the Lokpal bill, appointment of Lokayuktas in all states, and implementation of citizen's charter in government offices.
"If there is agreement on all these three issues then I can consider ending my fast, but not protest," he said.
"The fight against corruption must continue even after I die. The Prime Minister has appreciated our movement in the Parliament. I thank the parliamentarians, who appreciated the movement," said Hazare.
"The government sent one of its ministers to me. Prime Minister says he is worried about my health. Why did he take 10 days to think? Discussion should start on Lokpal from tomorrow in Parliament. Lokayukta must be brought under Lokpal. The lower bureaucracy must be brought under the ambits of Lokpal and the citizen's charter must be formed," he added.