If you missed today's Glenn Beck Program on Fox News Channel, go to The Daily Beck (video should be up in a few hours) to see and hear the stories of several actual survivors of the Holocaust. I was absolutely riveted during today's broadcast.
UPDATE: Video is up:
Watch The Glenn Beck TV Show: June 2nd 2011. Tonight, an emotional show you do not want to miss. Glenn speaks passionately and from the heart…an emotional appeal to stand firm in the face of evil.
It is absolutely appalling to me that the hatred of the Jews (particularly, hatred against Zionism) is back just 66 years after the establishment of the Jewish State!! Those who worked so hard to give the Jews back their homeland after the horrors of the Holocaust during WWII would probably never believe what is happening in today's world. The ratcheting up of anti-Semitism by the so-called "Arab Spring" uprisings is being used as an excuse. They are NOT ON THE ROAD TO DEMOCRACY. The Muslim Brotherhood is just as bad as the Nazis were in Germany!
I wonder. Are today's high school students being taught about the horrors of the Holocaust driven by Hitler's Nazi Germany? Or is it something that the liberals in education think isn't relevant anymore? Does anyone out their know the answer to my question? I am being serious.
When Glenn did a show on The Holodomor - the forced starvation of millions of people in the Ukraine, I asked my daughter to sit down and watch the show with me. She stated that she never learned about this "secret holocaust" in school. Why is that??
You know the old saying, "those who do not know history are destined to repeat it." This is what Beck is extremely worried about today because the horrors of the Holocaust of Nazi Germany is being ignored and even denied (by Iminajihad of Iran and other Arab leaders and nations). Young people who follow every word of the liberal elites who dominate the news stations here in America are not getting the truth anymore. They are targets of the propaganda of those who toe the line of the radicals who want to "change our history" here in America and around the world. How do they get away with it? I think it is because the young people in high school and college do not do their own homework on such issues and take in the Kool-aid propaganda being spewed by the Hollyweird, MTV, and liberal professors who only want to present one side of the story.
While watching Beck's show today, I could not help but remember how horrified I was when my history teacher showed a film about the Holocaust. I could not believe man's inhumanity to man. I got so choked up with tears that I had to ask the teacher to give me a bathroom pass. What I was seeing on the screen in the school on that day unnerved me and made me weep uncontrollably. My generation, the Baby Boomers, knew all about the Holocaust because many of our dads served in the military during those years. With the State of Israel being born just nine years before I was born, our educational system certainly covered what happened during World War II in graphic detail. Today, I'm not sure whether or not it is even given a blip on the radar screen in history classes. Here in California, "gay" and soon "transgender" history is more important to the fools who run public education in this decade. Never thought I'd see such a day, but God knew. The history regarding the evil and sin during the times of Noah (The Flood) and Lot (Sodom and Gomorrah) includes the rampant abomination of homosexual behavior. I'm getting a bit off topic so I will refer you to previous posts on this subject, The Days of Noah Are Here; Jesus Said "As In The Days of Noah; More Days of Lot and Noah; and The Times of the Signs - The Days of Lot.
Just as the Bible is clear about the behavior of homosexuality being sin, God's Word is clear about what will happen to the nations that gather up in the last days in order to destroy the apple of God's eye - the Nation of Israel.
What those who think that Israel should give up land to the Palestinians do not know is that God intends for Israel NEVER to be divided ever again.
Eze 37:21 "Then say to them, 'Thus says the Lord GOD: "Surely I will take the children of Israel from among the nations, wherever they have gone, and will gather them from every side and bring them into their own land;
Eze 37:22 "and I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king over them all; they shall no longer be two nations, nor shall they ever be divided into two kingdoms again.
Eze 37:23 "They shall not defile themselves anymore with their idols, nor with their detestable things, nor with any of their transgressions; but I will deliver them from all their dwelling places in which they have sinned, and will cleanse them. Then they shall be My people, and I will be their God.
There are many, many more verses that I could share regarding prophesies that tell us God's intention that Israel should not be divided (especially the Holy City of Jerusalem!!) and I invite readers here to include them in your comments.
Be back later for more...
Update 6/3/11
The unfriendliness of the Obamafraud Administration towards the Jewish State of Israel has already been documented (unlike our current pResident in the White House but that's another story) through the mistreatment shown towards Benjamin Netanyahu and the fawning over Israel's enemies in the ironically named "Arab Spring" uprisings. But did you know that such unfriendliness extends towards a group of Jewish singers too? Check this out:
posted by Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit - 10 hours ago
There’s an old Yiddish saying… Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me for 3 years with one Jew-bashing incident after another, shame on me. The Maccabeats, a group of Yeshiva University students, stormed on t...
Obama. The dictator-in-chaff apparently puzzles some people.
Quote from Matzav.com:
The Office of the President, however, has asked that the video be removed from the internet and Matzav.com has acceded to that request.
It is not clear, though, why the Office of the President found the harmless, innocuous video of the Jewish acapella choir performing to President Obama’s applause problematic.
So....the question remains WHY WOULD Obama make such an order???
Jim Hoft explains why:
Here's the answer to my question about the awakening of the liberal Jewish community:
posted by null at American Thinker - 18 minutes ago
They won't ever admit it, but the signs are obvious: Obama's 1967 borders speech is costing them votes and money needed in 2012.
Maybe Obama didn’t want his Muslim supporters to see it, huh?
WOW!!! I was reading through some links and comments over at American Thinker and came across this gem:
Posted by: Bear1909 May 25, 10:18 PM
Soros, Brezinski and their Puppet (President "Real Boy") launched a trial balloon to gauge how much the American electorate would submit to Islam and the sharia. That is the goal for breaking American democracy--- set up a shadow society in America by blowing the smithereens out of the MIddle East and let it emigrate here to "Prison Island" America. Let the refugee "question" come here....give them the Gulf Coast, the California Central Valley--- as the Holy Land will become uninhabitable while the Cloward Piven strategy overwhelms diplomacy and foreign policy. The coming crisis ignores the liberal press speaking of "revolution" and "Freedom" in the middle east: a firestorm has been ignited. And Israel is cornered now. It will end badly and the refugees will be brought here. End of the US. de facto sharia--- the gutter code of a latent beastly nature in the hearts of delusional men of Allah.
We accepted the executive order to import 20,000 "palestinians" immediately following his inauguration in January 2009. 20,000 of the sleeper cells of Hamas....with full support upon arrival and eventual passage of relatives. we just let it happen. we let CAIR continue to operate in the nation's capital as unindicted co-conspirators. we let TSA subject us to searches which Muslims have been exempted from by civil rights laws. the mosques are off limits to inspection for arms and seditious sermons advocating jihad. there is no effort to prosecute 501 c 3 mosques for racketeering under RICO. Ground Zero Mosque and that t*rd imam rauf promoting it as a building of goodwill. we have taken it all. but now the back stiffens at pre-1967 borders. how will the overwhelm proceed in the face of resistance? in the face of the wild cards the PTB have not calculated are going to be put in play by a cornered Israel.
And, this American Thinker commentator has Obama pegged...big time!
Posted by: rachelc May 27, 03:08 AM
There is no walking back his statements or his actions. He made it crystal clear what side he's on. He's been making it crystal clear since he got elected. His sympathies lie with the Islamic world...because that's the world he was raised in. So Jews...take heed. This man is NOT your friend. He is not a friend of Israel. Nor is he much of a friend to America because he's done nothing but hurt us with all of his flawed and irresponsible policies.
Here's a an article that backs the fact that the Palestinians are not decendants from the ancient Philistines. Read Townhall columnist Michael Brown: More Facts on the Myth of the Palestinian People