Only three contestants are left on Oprah's Your Own Show-Terrey, Zach and Kristina. Unlike most weeks, the contestants were asked to work as individuals in a press junket. The goal was not only to give them a chance to hone their idea for their very own show, but to see how they dealt with the pressure of being in the spotlight.Who was this week's guest host.. None other than Oprah Winfrey's best friend and fellow radio show host Gail King. She offere them some well thought out advice when dealing the press including to be open but know where their boundaries were in things they did not want to discuss. In a surprise twist, Oprah turned out for a few questions..Zach made the best out of the situation by turning the tables and asking Oprah some questions. As always, his humor put her at ease immediately and he was able to really learn from her experience being a veteran host for her show. Although Kristina stumbled, she was able to get back up when Oprah asked her how a cooking show impacted her life.
On the other hand, Terrey was unable to clearly describe her vision for her own show and was eliminated.