The show was engaging and powerful on radio alone, and in the past several years the simulcast on ESPN2 has only enhanced its power by strengthening the connection between the hosts and the listeners and viewers.
We might not always agree with them, but they're fun and likable.
Best of all, without trying hard, they seem like us -- at least the non-athletes in the audience. Especially Greenberg. He's a fan, and he's not afraid to let people know.
He opens up about his likes and dislikes. That makes him more personable and the show all the more stronger.
Greenberg's latest rant, about fans as consumers, was spot-on -- something that provided a sure-fire connection with other fans. Never mind the "unionize fans" message near the end of his comments, that's off base and an unreality that weakens his overall point a bit.
In general, though, Greenberg hits all the right points when discussion why sports matters and why we allow it to matter.