Happy New Year everyone! Let us hope and pray, ever so fervently, that the year 2011 will be a turning point away from the awful and subversive progressive train wreck of socialism being inflicted upon our beloved nation back towards what our Founding Fathers created through their undeniable Christian faith and hope in God.
The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic!
- Christine
Now to our devotional for the day:
Hat Tip:Top Tens: atTENtion
The days of our years are threescore years and ten . . . so teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.Psalm 90:10, 12 (KJV)
Recommended Reading
Psalm 90:1-12
Ever since God issued ten commandments, we’ve understood there’s something special about that number. It serves as the base of our numerical system. Ten is the sum of the first four numbers (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) and the first two-digit number. It brings us full circle. We view ten as complete and perfect, which is why we often say, “On a scale from one to ten. . . .”
Ten years make a decade. And since we only have about seven of those, that should get our atTENtion. Verse 10 of Psalm 90 says that our current earthly lives are zipping by. Our years are “soon cut off and we fly away.” But God is from “everlasting to everlasting,” our “dwelling place in all generations” (verses 1-2).
Starting the year without Christ is like jumping into a dark, unknown patch of the future. But with our Lord, it’s like taking a step with Him who holds the future.
Lord, remind us that You are our eternal life. Turn our atTENtion to the importance of each day—each year—each decade, and to make our lives count for Christ.
O Father, let Thy watchful eye still look on us in love, that we may praise Thee year by year, with angel hosts above.From the eighteenth-century hymn, “The Year is Gone, Beyond Recall.” Francis Pott, lyrics
Genesis 1:1 – 3:24; Genesis 4:1 – 6:22
David Jeremiah.org